The aim of APURE Association for the Development of Regions is to participate in the works that build European culture and civilization based on common cultural roots that have grown up from many years of tradition, caring for the development of national and regional cultures and saving them from the unification of mass global culture, as well as eliminating disproportions in civilizational, scientific, economic, informational, and political development.

Strategic objectives

  • Acting as part of the principles defined in the Universal Declaration of Human and Citizens' Rights, for the development of active residents of rural areas, meeting at sessions of European Rural Universities.

  • Contributing to the creation of conditions that revitalize rural communities, able to redefine their role so that the villagers in their territories are themselves participants in the activities, able to undertake truly long-lasting development challenges.

  • Assistance in creating - wherever APURE is present - training groups preparing for application of universal and folk education methods and using their own research and judges' opinions for the needs of the Association, representatives, participants of activities, employees in public, social and economic institutions in order to strengthen competences all entities and supporting solidarity between participants.

  • Creating platforms for participation in European Union undertakings.

  • Creating a climate of tolerance and respect for cultural differences between European subcultures.

  • Shaping and promoting pro-European attitudes.


The Association pursues its goals through the following activities:

  • Participation in European programs.

  • Dissemination of information and knowledge at all levels of education and in out-of-school systems.

  • Coordinating initiatives of legal and physical persons, local and regional authorities, economic and state administration.

  • Providing help to economic, scientific and cultural organizations in their substantive activities and popularizing their initiatives.

  • Organizing competitions, tournaments, shows and tenders and exchanges presenting the achievements of the European Community.

  • Organizing the exchange of experiences from various fields between European regions.

  • Advice and advice on the application of EU law, the use of structural funds, exchange of people, goods and ideas.

  • Organizing courses and training in the implementation of European standards.

  • Organizing and co-organizing symposia, readings, lectures and seminars.

  • Taking up publishing works, i.e. printing books, handbooks, periodicals, information and promotional materials.

  • Organizing cooperation between universities, institutions and research and development centers with economic entities.

  • Supporting small and medium enterprises.

  • Improvement of moral motivations for participants of the European exchange.

  • Contributing to the facilitation and deepening of contacts between university centers, research institutions and participants of activities in rural areas in order to open up rural communities to innovation and new technologies.

  • Coordinating and supporting initiatives allowing participants to meet in order to undertake joint activities, exchange of practical, proven skills, development of joint projects, platforms that encourage reflection and action.

  • Interaction with rural communities that express the need to acquire and disseminate new skills related to agricultural areas and to support these environments in solving specific problems related to their development.

  • Assessing the skills and cultural values ​​of agricultural countries in order to make them the main leverage of integrated and global development processes and the place of implementation of economic and social challenges.

  • Action to promote equal opportunities for young people, equality of women and social integration of excluded communities and minorities.

  • Initiating the development of local communities, developing relations between the countryside and the city.

  • Economic activation of rural areas.

  • Implementation of regulatory and planning instruments for the integrated development of rural areas.

  • Supporting innovation, cooperation and development of knowledge base in rural areas.

  • Achieving sustainable economic development of rural areas and rural communities, including creation and protection of jobs.